Sister Betty's Great American Road Trip 2008A Really, Really, Really Big Road Trip!!!Twitchy needle!Watch the little car go zoom!Engage the Improbability DriveWatch the little car pop a wheelie!
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Road Trip 2008 Overview
It began well.

The day was sunny. The roads were clear. Burqa Boy and I arose early, packed the car and left Provincetown before noon. We laughed at the cars stopped in unending traffic on the other side of the road. "Hasta la vista, suckers!" we cheered as we headed south.

We were nearly off the Cape when my mobile rang. In the other direction, through all the stopped traffic and back where we started our journey, life had taken a turn. My landlord, having agreed to let two friends stay at my summer rental for an extra day, but needing to act out his unresolved anger at the world, banged on the cottage door shortly after we left and announced their eviction. We made a U-turn and waited - in that long line of traffic - to return to Provincetown and resolve the situation.

The day was still sunny. The road were slightly less clear. It was late afternoon as Burqa Boy and I made our second attempt to leave Provincetown. "You stupid motherfucker!" we yelled as we headed south.

Eight hours after leaving Provicetown we were driving down the west side of Manhattan. Burqa Boy, having never been to New York but wide eyed with excitement, pointed to the Empire State Building and said "Wow, the Sears Tower!"

I've made several solitary journeys and learned to hold a good conversation in my head without forming a split personality. There is, however, a special joy in sharing a journey with an enthusiastic travel companion. Times Square is brighter, the people funnier, the shows more entertaining.

We spent two days in New York finding the necessary supplies for a road trip. (As any New Yorker can tell you, it's impossible to find a good selection of anything outside of Manhattan.) Tomorrow the Great American Road Trip begin in earnest - first to the Amish country of Virginia and then to a fiddling festival in the the coal country of West Virginia!

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Photos from the Great American Road Trip 2008

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Road Trip 2008 Route & GPS Tracking
Road Trip 2008 State Map

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